We are an AXA PPP provider.
Fees are calculated on an hourly basis. The number of sessions will depend on the individual and the reason for being seen. Below gives an idea of possible duration. Please be aware that there may be charges for travel, additional expenses and processing paperwork. For further information relating to fees and a copy of the terms and conditions please contact us.
Approximate time allocation:
Cognitive/ Neuropsychological assessment:
An initial assessment will take 2-3 hours, which can be done in one appointment or over consecutive appointments. A reassessment will take 1-2 hours. Additional time to analyse the results of the assessment, read medical notes and letter/report writing about 1-2 hours.
Cognitive rehabilitation:
Would include a cognitive/neuropsychological assessment prior to cognitive rehabilitation starting, unless there has been an assessment conducted in the past 6 months. Initial session would last 1-2 hours and subsequent sessions approximately 50 minutes. Additional time to review medical notes and reports, write plans and letters is estimated at 1 hour.
Individual and couple psychological therapy:
Initial appointment is allocated 2 hours with 50 minutes for subsequent sessions. Additional time to review medical notes and reports, write plans and letters is estimated at 1 hour.