What we do

Neuro Cog Rehab provides psychological support for people with neurological conditions and head injuries.  It is common for people with neurological conditions or head injury to experience difficulties with cognition or thinking skills.  These difficulties can impact on activities such as continuing at or returning to work, managing appointments and driving. Dr. Alexandra Garfield (BSc, MPhil, DClinPsy), head of Neuro Cog Rehab, can assess the type of cognitive difficulties you may be having and from that can plan appropriate strategies to manage these difficulties.

We know it can be difficult when people are told about a new diagnosis of a neurological condition. They will often need help to adjust to new symptoms and treatments.  This can often cause a whole host of emotions for the person as well as for close friends and family members.  In some instances, difficulty adjusting to these factors can lead to feelings of worry and depression.  Identifying and finding appropriate ways to manage can help build self-esteem and improve quality of life.  We can provide psychological support to both individuals and couples.

We provide the following assessments and psychological therapy across London, Kent, East Sussex and Surrey:

  • Cognitive assessments – These are paper and pen assessments, which look at different areas of brain function, for example memory, concentration, problem solving and decision-making.  These assessments help identify strengths and difficulties people experience in the way they process information. They can be used to aid diagnosis of some neurological conditions, identify areas to target for rehabilitation and chart people’s progress over time.

  • Cognitive rehabilitation – Following the assessments outlined above people may choose to go on to receive cognitive rehabilitation.  Together we would review the results of your assessment to look at how some of the difficulties identified might be impacting on your day to day life.  We would then formulate a set of goals that you would want to achieve, for example planning daily activities or returning to work. A tailored individualised program would then be set to try and achieve these goals. This might include learning to do things differently in order to remain independent

  • Psychological therapy - Psychological therapies or talking therapies are aimed at identifying and processing difficult emotions.   We can provide cognitive behavioural therapy, which can be helpful when dealing with emotions around diagnosis and managing symptoms of neurological complaints.  Psychological therapies can sometimes be helpful for partners and close family members who are also adjusting to the changes in their lives, that can come with a neurological diagnosis. 

  • Clinical Supervision and specialist training - We provide clinical supervision to clinical psychologists working in neuro rehabilitation services. Bespoke training packages can be designed and delivered to services supporting people with brain injury and neurological conditions.